HHC 2003 home page

Photo Gallery of
HHC 2000

Thanks, Jake!

Click on image to see 1024×768 image, roughly 175K.

Conference binders

Richard stuffing last-minute items

Conference introduction

HP49 line drawing/poster #1 of 2

HP49 line drawing/poster #2 of 2

Hp Xpander as "mascot" of HHC2000

RJN, Dave Shier and Dennis York (formerly of HP)

Richard Schwartz peruses an exhibitor's table

A busy crowd

Jeremy Smith chats with Eric Smith (no relation)

Jim Horn

Attendees' list of "must-have" features
for a student handheld

More "conferencing" - Brian Walsh, Jim Horn,
Dave Shier, Vern Lindsay, Wlodek Mier-Jedrzejowicz,
Bob Slessinger, Bertram Zinner

HP 6S next to Texet "Albert", its clone

Second version of HP32S-II with
green/purple key color scheme

Gathering at the conference dinner.
Some pictured: Dave Shier, Vern Lindsay,
Richard Nelson, Brian Walsh,
Eric Smith, Jake Schwartz

Some number crunching: Jim Horn, Jeremy Smith, Jonathan Busby